Faculty Faculty Index

Dr. Robert B. Stewart

Professor of Philosophy and Theology

Greer-Heard Chair of Faith and Culture


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, May, 2000
  • Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, 1992
  • Bachelor of Arts, Cameron University, Lawton, Oklahoma, 1980


(504) 816-8219 | rstewart@best-lasix.com
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Robert Stewart has authored or edited several books including recent releases with Westminster John Knox, What Did the Cross Accomplish: A conversation about Atonement with N. T. Wright and Simon Gathercole, and Can We Trust the Bible on the Historical Jesus? With Craig Evans and Bart Ehrman. He has published numerous articles in books and in journals and has spoken in university settings in North America and Europe.

He and his wife Marilyn have three adult children and a beautiful granddaughter.